Weekend Writing Warriors #29 & Cover Reveal!

Ah, it’s good to be back at Weekend Writing Warriors.  I had a great time at the Gay Romance Northwest Meet-Up in Seattle. Got to play fangirl to some favorite authors, listen to insightful discussions, and spend too much money on books, but this introvert is sooo much more comfortable sitting behind the keyboard in pjs and fuzzy slippers, sharing and chatting with ya’ll.

On to the snippet!  I’m skipping ahead a bit, because i have to admit, I’m dying to get to the juicy bits.  You can read the complete scene up to this point by clicking on the Threeve tab. Last time, Constable Axel Blackwood trapped the thief in a magical net.


The body under him started to writhe. Even through the heavy cloak Axel felt long lean muscles, taut and ready to flee at the slightest chance. He removed the manacles from his belt and grabbed one of the thief’s slim wrists.

He clamped one on and reached for the other wrist. With a sudden bucking motion, the man twisted sideways in an effort to throw Axel off his back. He only partially succeeded. Axel seized the sneak’s other arm and forced it behind him as well.

With the thief on his side now, the light of the crystal revealed a face that was clearly human.


I’m so excited because I get to reveal, for the first time on the inter web, the cover of To Catch a Threeve.  Bask in the loveliness.  I must say Loose Id gives good cover.  A shout out to artiste extraordinaire, Fiona Jayde.

Release date October 28th!

Release date October 28th!



This post is part of an ongoing blog hop hosted by Weekend Writing Warriors. Every Sunday, participating authors post eight sentences from a published work or perhaps their current work in progress. Then we hop to our fellow warriors’ blogs and check out all the fabulous fiction that’s happening! I heartily invite you to participate as a reader, writer, or both. It’s a great way to discover your next favorite book. Click here or copy & paste this address: http://www.wewriwa.com


Official Blurb for To Catch a Threeve ~ Release date October 28th ~

Axel Blackwood catches a thief and is astounded to see that he closely resembles Liam Alloway, the love he lost seven years ago in an attack by the evil woodland folk known as threeves. Axel suspects he’s fallen prey to dark magic, but can’t help becoming infatuated with his prisoner. He’s overwhelmed with the hope that he can at last bring his lost lover home, despite everything that warns him it’s all a diabolical trick.

Bryn Darrow, the half-threeve, half human orphan sent to trick Axel and rob him of much more than a simple gem finds himself equally as fascinated with his handsome human captor and the lure of someplace to call home, but he knows deep down that the constable is in love with a dangerous illusion. When he’s commanded by the threeves to murder Axel and steal a witch’s powerful grimoire, he’s forced to decide between the only family he’s ever known and the one person who might rescue him from a life of isolation and pain.

Will Axel and Bryn be forced into a deadly confrontation before they can discover the truth?

17 thoughts on “Weekend Writing Warriors #29 & Cover Reveal!

  1. Hmmm…to call out the fact that the thief is human makes me wonder what Axel was expecting! I am curious whether there’s been some foreshadowing and speculation to suggest other likely alternatives?


  2. Hah! You got me there. I guess I took for granted the sneak would be human. Looking forward to more.

    That cover is gorgeous. If I saw it without knowing anything else about the book, I’d probably buy it just to stare at it. 🙂


  3. And so, they meet! This book has a great premise and all the makings of a really good book.. Seeing the Threeve (I suspect it’s Bryn)on the cover really adds an new layer to the story. 🙂

    Beautiful cover, Alexis! Glad you had a good time at the meet-up in Seattle. 🙂


  4. ……I’m sorry, I forgot what I was going to say after seeing that cover !_! That is absolutely stunning! That alone would have me swooping across a bookstore like a hawk to snatch that prey up in a heartbeat and mercy on any who got in my way! XD I was intrigued with last time’s excerpt, now I’m on the edge of my seat…! This comes out when? I am permanent marker inking it to my forehead.


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