Weekend Writing Warriors ~ Better Get Packing


Greetings and welcome to another round of Weekend Writing Warriors.

I’m forging ahead with a scene from my new release, Gryffon Hall.  Wryler has just found out that he’s been betrothed to a stranger, the notorious Lord Aeric Rouchet.  The arrangement is very advantageous for Wryler’s father, but that’s cold comfort to Wryler.  The “they” in the first sentence is Wryler’s father and a government minister.


They both smiled broadly, completely unconcerned with Wryler’s feelings or the terrifying fate they’d bound him to.

Wryler lifted his chin and put back his shoulders. “And when is the ceremony set to occur? Sometime in the summer?” he asked, mind racing. There was still a chance he could talk to Rouchet and explain that Wryler had no interest in marrying him, that he loved—or at least was fond of—another. Maybe MacFarlane would reject the Arsburry offer and Wryler’s father could be persuaded to reconsider—

“Seven days hence at Gryffon Hall. Lord Rouchet has already taken his leave in order to prepare his household. You’re to follow in three days. Better get packing.”



Fated to be born the useless fourth son of the Lord of Glimmerveen, Wryler dreams of getting married and escaping the rustic confines of his father’s castle. A wealthy merchant’s son seems to hold the key to Wryler’s safe if somewhat dreary future. However, the arrival of a mysterious stranger on the eve of Wryler’s betrothal sends his plans into disarray and Wryler finds himself traded off in marriage to one of the most notorious rogues in the land.

Is Lord Aeric Rouchet the scoundrel he appears to be, or is he something much worse? Separated from his family and thrust into a strange and dangerous new life at the foreboding Gryffon Hall, Wryler must unravel the secret of his husband’s shadowed life and defeat the curse which threatens not only his growing affection for the barbarian in his bed, but the lives of everyone the Lord of Gryffon Hall is sworn to protect.

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Loose Id


This post is part of an ongoing blog hop hosted by Weekend Writing Warriors. Every Sunday, participating authors post eight to ten sentences from a published work or perhaps their current work in progress. Then we hop to our fellow warriors’ blogs and check out all the fabulous fiction that’s happening! I heartily invite you to participate as a reader, writer, or both. It’s a great way to discover your next favorite book. Click here or use the address: http://www.wewriwa.com

14 thoughts on “Weekend Writing Warriors ~ Better Get Packing

  1. Oh, he’s going to have to think quickly to get out of this one – or just make the best of it, and perhaps it won’t turn out to be quite as bad as he thinks?


  2. Not much of a chance to get out of this arrangement then. I’m sure things are different than he expects. At least I hope so for his sake.


  3. When you’re piling that many ‘maybe’s’ and ‘what if’s’ on top of each other, the plan isn’t going to work. How he thought his father would give him any time to escape, I don’t know. That man’s ruthless.


  4. Pingback: Weekend Writing Warriors ~ Muddled Misery | Alexis Duran

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