Weekend Writing Warriors ~ An Alien?



Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the blog hop where a whole bunch of awesome writers share their work in eight sentence snippets.

I’m continuing on with excerpts from my erotic m/m space opera, From Mars, With Love, because I can’t face abandoning Eli to his fate just yet.  Last week he woke up to find his desperate escape attempt had failed and he was in one of the stasis pods of the slave ship.  An asteroider and security bot are discussing his ring, which is giving out some odd readings.


“That’s an alien living on his finger?”

“Don’t gossip, Dwar, you know how easy it is to get this crew into a panic. Now key up the spectrometer readout.”

An alien? That was crazy, but anything that kept them from cutting off his finger was a good thing, bullshit or not. Eli rolled his head to the other side, noticed they’d removed the last of his clothes and that his skin on the right side looked a little funny.

“The flash burns are nearly healed, I see.” The robotic voice came from a security crab hovering much too close, propulsion jets heating Eli’s exposed flesh.



Because gals like to have fun in space with guns too. Let’s just hope Eli’s alien isn’t quite so slimy.



This post is part of an ongoing blog hop hosted by Weekend Writing Warriors. Every Sunday, participating authors post eight sentences from a published work or perhaps their current work in progress. Then we hop to our fellow warriors’ blogs and check out all the fabulous fiction that’s happening! I heartily invite you to participate as a reader, writer, or both. It’s a great way to discover your next favorite book. Click here or use the address: http://www.wewriwa.com

14 thoughts on “Weekend Writing Warriors ~ An Alien?

  1. Why thank you for not leaving us in suspense! Very kind of you. 🙂 I do love the idea of the bots gossiping as they work. I was briefly distracted by thought of naked Eli, then worried about the crab possibly doing unspeakable things to him.


  2. Oh, no! He’s really in trouble now… unless the alien on his finger makes him be sold to someone who won’t be quite so bad… or maybe not get sold at all…

    The big question: what does the alien do?


  3. I guess I could grovel–to have you continue with this one. You are awesome at writing scifi/space opera! And I have to tell you that I did laugh out loud when I read that you couldn’t abandon Eli to his captors yet. 🙂

    Excellent snippet, Alexis!


  4. Pingback: Weekend Writing Warriors ~ A Long Ride to Titan | Alexis Duran

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