Weekend Writing Warriors ~ Nine-Inch Nails


Good morning, readers, writers and random internet wanderers. As a participant of Weekend Writing Warriors, I’m sharing excerpts from my newest release, Prowl, Book 1 in the Jacqui the Cat mysteries series.  If you’re Jacqui curious, I’ve posted the first chapter of Prowl here.

In this scene, Jacqui is having his first conversation with Wyatt, the hunky deputy sheriff who lives across the street. They’re discussing a most shocking crime that may or may not have happened recently in their neighborhood.


Jacqui chewed his lower lip and realized he’d been staring unblinking at Wyatt the entire time. This was the type of behavior that made people look at him funny. Wyatt was looking funny at Jacqui’s lower lip.

Jacqui stopped the nervous chewing and forced his gaze down the street. “There’s probably an international planter smuggling ring afoot.”


Wyatt chuckled. He had a nice throaty chuckle.

“Speaking of the evil that lurks, do you know who owns that huge cat with the pointy ears who prowls around the neighborhood?”

“The gorgeous one with the beautiful blue-green eyes?”

“I was thinking more the gnarly one with the nine-inch nails.”


Jacqui the Cat Mysteries, the cozy gay shifter romance mystery series the world has  been waiting for~

Jacqui Corleone is a fashion designer, a yoga-instructor and a concerned citizen who selflessly helps the police solve crimes. Oh, and he occasionally turns into a small wild cat. Probably due to a wizard’s curse or an evil government plot to create super warriors.

Or, he’s a cat cursed to turn into a human and only the bite of a sexy alpha lion will allow him to remain in his superior form of Cat.

Jacqui does not have a split personality, but sometimes his cat personality can get rather loud.

Loud? You’re loud.

Jacqui Corleone is a cat shifter who doesn’t know why or how he turns into a cat. He lives a solitary life in Friday Harbor on San Juan Island. He’s not afraid of intimacy (yes, he is) but sensibly refrains from potentially awkward entanglements. Unfortunately, the sexy new deputy sheriff just moved in across the street and Jacqui’s vow not to get mixed up with island dudes is sorely challenged.

When the mysterious disappearance of three blue pots draws Jacqui to investigate, he’s drawn ever deeper into danger–and into the muscular but not too bulgy or veiny arms of deputy Wyatt West (he wishes).

Join Jacqui (and Cat) in this new exciting and sexy gay shifter romance mystery series from author of fantastical romantic fiction, Alexis Duran.

Here be the Amazon links:





I’ve had some inquiries if my books are available in formats other than Kindle. At this time, only Gryffon Hall is out there on B&N, Apple, etc. One reason is because I’m re-releasing all my Loose ID titles and am just flat out overwhelmed. The other reason is that I’m experimenting with Kindle Unlimited to see how that goes. When the KDP select term is up, I’ll distribute the books to other retailers. If you’d like to know when that happens, you can sign up for my nifty newsletter here!


Weekend Writing Warriors is a blog hop where writers from a wide variety of genres share from their work in excerpts of ten sentences or less.  Click the link to check out the other writers participating today.  It’s a great way to discover your next favorite book!


Thanks to Robin Ludwig Design, Inc. for the fabulous covers!

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