Weekend Writing Warriors ~ You Ain’t Them

Hello and welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the blog hop where writers from a wide variety of genres share from their work in ten sentences or fewer. However we now have a new rule which lets us add a bit more to round out the post, so I’m abusing that privilege today! I’m going to start sharing from my upcoming release soon, so only a few more Jacqui excerpts to go.

I’ve skipped ahead from last week, because I want to get a big revelation that affects everything that happens next. Jacqui is grilling Reggie about where he came from. Reggie speaks first.


“The head of my clowder is a total asshole, so I split. I ran. Been running ever since. New York, Munich, Casablanca. There are more wild domestics than you’d think. They treat us the worst, I guess. Say, what breed are you, anyway?”

Jacqui had prepared for this question all his life.

“I’m a caracal. A wild African—”

*That’s ten, but I wanted to finish out this part of the conversation, in which Jacqui learns something disturbing about “his people”.

“No, you’re not. I met some caracals when I was in Morocco and you ain’t them. They’re bigger and their ear tufts are longer. I thought I knew all the tribes but you look kind of like, uh…holy shit.” Reggie blanched and his buggy eyes got wider. Even though they were alone, he dropped his voice to a whisper and asked, “You’re a mixed breed, aren’t you?”

At a loss, Jacqui glared at him.

Yeah. Probably. Maybe. So what?

“Got a problem with that, Reggie?”

“Me? No! Not at all. It’s just that, uh, they usually kill mutts—I mean—mixed breeds, at birth, so I’ve never met one.” His big eyes shifted around nervously. Clearly he regretted bringing it up, giving Jacqui the chance to have another internal mental meltdown.

Kill at birth. Reject. Outsider. Loner. Mutt.

We’re still alone.

Everything he didn’t want to be. Everything he thought would end when he met “his people”.



PS To those also frustrated by WordPress’ new block editor, I discovered that if you start a post, save it and go out, you then have the option to edit with “Classic Editor”, which gets you back to the format to which we are accustomed! The only draw back is that every time you press save a message box pops up to ask if you’re sure you want to use classic. Worth it if you’re tired of struggling with the new format.


I’m doing the book tour thing, featuring the entire Jacqui the Cat Mysteries line up. You can click here to read up on all the books and enter a giveaway for an Amazon gift card!


Wild: Jacqui the Cat Mysteries #4 ~ Available Now!

Cat Shifter Jacqui Corleone has finally met his fated mate, but unlike in a romance novel, reality has other plans. For one thing, Wyatt doesn’t know Jacqui is a shifter. For another thing, the dog men are back, and along with their slobber and their bad breath they bring a new level of danger to Jacqui’s life, and to Wyatt’s. When Jacqui meets other cat shifters for the first time, he’s tantalized by a glimpse into their strange new world, but cats aren’t much nicer than dogs, and soon Jacqui must decide if he’s going to run again, or stand and fight against an enemy more powerful than he ever imagined.

Click Here to buy on Amazon.

Weekend Writing Warriors ~ Jacqui’s People

Hello and welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the blog hop where writers from a wide variety of genres share from their work in excerpts of ten sentences or fewer.

I don’t know about you guys, but I could use some light-hearted fiction to take my mind off things. All the things.  That’s one reason I love Jacqui. He always makes me smile and laugh at my own jokes.  I hope he makes you smile too.

In this scene from Wild: Jacqui the Cat Mysteries #4, Jacqui isn’t feeling too light-hearted. He’s discovered an intruder in his apartment, and is about to have his world up-ended.  You can read last week’s snippet here, if you like.


“Reggie. We met last night.” The grin became stiff and the man’s nervousness seeped through his initial bravado. Man-boy. Young. Early twenties. Lanky but muscular. Big, almost buggy brown eyes. A close-cut, amateurish hair cut that might have been self-inflicted with garden shears. Toothy smile.

That’s ten. A lot of short sentences there so I’ll finish out the moment:

Cute as all get out. Rough boy manner. Rough like that mangy stray—


Jacqui couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t think. Couldn’t stop clutching the scissors like a mad man.

“You okay, dude?” the man asked.

Cat man. Cat shifter. One of his people. Jacqui’s people. Here in the flesh. All the flesh.

Nude cat shifter man in my place!





I’m doing the book tour thing, featuring the entire Jacqui the Cat Mysteries line up. You can click here to read up on all the books and enter a giveaway for an Amazon gift card!

Wild: Jacqui the Cat Mysteries #4 ~ Available Now!

Cat Shifter Jacqui Corleone has finally met his fated mate, but unlike in a romance novel, reality has other plans. For one thing, Wyatt doesn’t know Jacqui is a shifter. For another thing, the dog men are back, and along with their slobber and their bad breath they bring a new level of danger to Jacqui’s life, and to Wyatt’s. When Jacqui meets other cat shifters for the first time, he’s tantalized by a glimpse into their strange new world, but cats aren’t much nicer than dogs, and soon Jacqui must decide if he’s going to run again, or stand and fight against an enemy more powerful than he ever imagined.

Click Here to buy on Amazon.



Weekend Writing Warriors ~ Snarl

Hello and welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the blog hop where writers from a wide variety of genres share from their work in excerpts of ten sentences or fewer.

Hallelujah! The rains have come (to Oregon) and the air quality has gone from hazardous to moderate. In the night the air is good, and I can’t tell you what a relief it is to be able to open the doors and windows and breathe. Being a writer and a hermit, I’ve always loved the rain, but now it feels like an extra special blessing.

Unfortunately, our friend Jacqui is not feeling the love.  On the contrary, his world is about to be upended.  He thought the stray cat he’d met the night before had snuck into his place, but who is this intruder, really? I’m sharing from the first chapter of my new release, Wild: Jacqui the Cat Mysteries #4.


Every muscle tightened, and the air rippled slightly as his body prepared to shift once again. To flee or fight as required. He forced himself to keep his shape, and seized up a pair of scissors from the workbench.

The bathroom door opened and a man stepped out.

A nude, grinning man. “Hello,” he said. “Hope you don’t mind that I used your shower.”

Prepared only to snarl, Jacqui managed to choke out, “Mind? Of course I mind. Who the hell are you?”



I’m doing the book tour thing, featuring the entire Jacqui the Cat Mysteries line up. You can click here to read up on all the books and enter a giveaway for an Amazon gift card!

Wild: Jacqui the Cat Mysteries #4 ~ Available Now!

Cat Shifter Jacqui Corleone has finally met his fated mate, but unlike in a romance novel, reality has other plans. For one thing, Wyatt doesn’t know Jacqui is a shifter. For another thing, the dog men are back, and along with their slobber and their bad breath they bring a new level of danger to Jacqui’s life, and to Wyatt’s. When Jacqui meets other cat shifters for the first time, he’s tantalized by a glimpse into their strange new world, but cats aren’t much nicer than dogs, and soon Jacqui must decide if he’s going to run again, or stand and fight against an enemy more powerful than he ever imagined.

Click Here to buy on Amazon.


Weekend Writing Warriors ~ Here, Kitty, Kitty

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the blog hop where writers from a wide variety of genres share from their work in excerpts of ten sentences or fewer. I’m extra glad to be here this week because a few days ago, I thought I might have to evacuate due to a wildfire about ten miles from where I live here in Oregon. Although it was unlikely to come to that, I made of list of what to grab first: Six cats, water, wine, passport, backup drive of everything I’ve ever written, change of underwear and socks. Yup, those are my priorities and I’m sticking to it.

On to the snippet! I’m sharing from my new release, Wild: Jacqui the Cat Mysteries #4. Last week, Jacqui discovered the suspicious cat he’d encountered earlier that morning had sneaked into his apartment.


Jacqui’s territory, his inner sanctum, violated by a mangy stray.

What did I tell you about establishing a defensive perimeter?

Dogs can’t climb trees. How was I to know I’d have to worry about cats?

He padded silently to his worktable in the middle of the room and turned a slow circle. He didn’t see any damage, or the cat. Gone already? But, no, the smell was too intense, even for a stinky tom.

“Here, Kitty, Kitty”, he said without much enthusiasm, “where are you hiding?”

A rustling came from the bathroom and before Jacqui’s disbelieving eyes, the doorknob began to turn.


I’m doing the book tour thing, featuring the entire Jacqui the Cat Mysteries line up. You can click here to read up on all the books and enter a giveaway for an Amazon gift card!

Wild: Jacqui the Cat Mysteries #4 ~ Available Now!

Cat Shifter Jacqui Corleone has finally met his fated mate, but unlike in a romance novel, reality has other plans. For one thing, Wyatt doesn’t know Jacqui is a shifter. For another thing, the dog men are back, and along with their slobber and their bad breath they bring a new level of danger to Jacqui’s life, and to Wyatt’s. When Jacqui meets other cat shifters for the first time, he’s tantalized by a glimpse into their strange new world, but cats aren’t much nicer than dogs, and soon Jacqui must choose if he’s going to run again, or stand and fight against an enemy more powerful than he ever imagined.

Click Here to buy on Amazon.

Weekend Writing Warriors ~ Just a Cat

Hello and welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the blog hop where writers from a wide variety of genres share from their work in ten sentences or fewer.

Maybe you fellow writers out there can help me with this: Wild received a four-star rating on Amazon, and the accompanying review was “Gaaaaaaahhhh!”  I’m thinking that must mean the reader was so engrossed in the book they hated for it to end. Yeah, I think that’s the interpretation I’m going with. Do you concur?

And on to the snippet. I’m sharing from my new release, Wild: Jacqui the Cat Mysteries #4. I’ve skipped ahead a little bit from last week. Jacqui shifted back to human form, threw on some clothes and . . . .


He dashed down the narrow spiral staircase from his loft to the living area. It was a small studio with an open floor plan, which made it hard to miss anything out of place.

Like that smell.

Jacqui forced himself to stop moving and pay attention. Once he did, his scalp prickled and his nostrils flared. He sniffed and detected the sharp aroma of a stranger.

A cat!

It’s just a cat.

Just a cat?

That stray—he snuck in here last night and peed on our stuff!

That’s ten. Here’s a tidbit more.

No, human, focus. He’s still here.

Jacqui focused. Took a deeper breath. Cat was correct.

As usual.


Wild: Jacqui the Cat Mysteries #4 ~ Available Now!

Cat Shifter Jacqui Corleone has finally met his fated mate, but unlike in a romance novel, reality has other plans. For one thing, Wyatt doesn’t know Jacqui is a shifter. For another thing, the dog men are back, and along with their slobber and their bad breath they bring a new level of danger to Jacqui’s life, and to Wyatt’s. When Jacqui meets other cat shifters for the first time, he’s tantalized by a glimpse into their strange new world, but cats aren’t much nicer than dogs, and soon Jacqui must choose if he’s going to run again, or stand and fight against an enemy more powerful than he ever imagined.

Click Here to buy on Amazon.


Weekend Writing Warriors ~ On Fire

Hello and welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the blog hop where writers from a wide variety of genres share from their work in excerpts of ten sentences or fewer.

Okay, now I’m suffering from empty nest syndrome. I’ve been working on Wild for two years, and releasing my baby into the…well, wild…makes for a strange mix of relief and anxiety. Other than obsessively track sales, what’s a writer to do? Oh, yes, write.  The first draft of Snow is nearly done, and there’s a back log of projects that could keep me busy for a decade or so. But for now, I’ll take a few days to stare wistfully into the middle distance and wonder what people do who don’t have a cast of characters constantly chattering away in their heads, demanding to be brought to life.

Last week, Jacqui (in his cat form) got caught napping in Wyatt’s laundry basket. Now he has to figure out how to explain to Wyatt why he snuck out in the night…without his clothes.


Jacqui raced home as if his tail were on fire.

Not so bad. Had to happen.

Left my phone, my clothes, everything behind. How will I explain it?


Jacqui tore up his street, cut through the gap between two buildings, and scrambled up the madrone tree behind his apartment. He was in the habit of leaving his bedroom window open, just in case, and now, the in case had occurred.

He squeezed in, jumped on the bed, shook himself.

What’s that smell?

That’s ten.  Here’s a bit more to follow up on Cat’s observation:

Gotta be fast. Wyatt’s gonna call or come over. He’s wondering where we are right now. He’ll see the phone on the kitchen counter. Shit, he’ll come over, make sure I’m alive.

Wait. Something’s off.

No time. Shift. Now.


Wild: Jacqui the Cat Mysteries #4 ~ Available Now!

Cat Shifter Jacqui Corleone has finally met his fated mate, but unlike in a romance novel, reality has other plans. For one thing, Wyatt doesn’t know Jacqui is a shifter. For another thing, the dog men are back, and along with their slobber and their bad breath they bring a new level of danger to Jacqui’s life, and to Wyatt’s. When Jacqui meets other cat shifters for the first time, he’s tantalized by a glimpse into their strange new world, but cats aren’t much nicer than dogs, and soon Jacqui must choose if he’s going to run again, or stand and fight against an enemy more powerful than he ever imagined.

Click Here to buy on Amazon.

Prowl, Book #1 in the series, is available for free until Midnight Saturday (8/29). Click here to dive into Jacqui!