Weekend Writing Warriors~ Ordinary

Greetings and welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the blog hop where writers from a wide range of genres share from their work in excerpts of ten sentences or fewer, with maybe a bit more to round out the scene.

My last excerpt ended on a downer note. Jacqui found out from Reggie that cat shifters don’t tolerate cross-breeds and kill them at birth. Jacqui, being part Caracal, part-domestic, is in mortal danger. Plus, his people are jerks. I’ve skipped ahead a bit to get Jacqui back to his usual brand of crazy trouble. I might share one more scene from Wild before I switch to my next release, coming soon!


Overcome with emotion, Reggie opened his arms wide and lurched toward Jacqui, declaring, “I’m so glad we met!”

Jacqui braced himself and accepted the hug. He expected to be squeezed and throttled, but Reggie folded around him gently and rested his chin on Jacqui’s shoulder. He was about three inches taller, and gangly like a teenager, but hard, his arms quivering with repressed strength. 

Jacqui patted him politely on his bare back.

Reggie murmured in his ear, “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

Jacqui bristled and pushed him away.

“I thought you said you weren’t tracking me.”

“I wasn’t!” Reggie rolled his eyes.

That’s ten. Here’s a bit more to get us to Jacqui’s next challenge.

“I meant, in theory. I was looking for someone like you.”

“Oh.” Jacqui continued to scrutinize him with suspicion.

What the hell is going on here? What does this nude cat man want from us?

Footsteps on the stairs outside forestalled this line of questioning. The footsteps ended, followed by a knock. A certain rat-a-tat-tat.


Jacqui hiss-whispered, “It’s Wyatt! Hide.”

Reggie smirked and said loudly, “What? You let your ord boss you around?”

“‘Ord’?” Jacqui asked before he could stop himself.

“Ordinary. Guess you’ve been out of touch for a long time, huh? Do you want me to shift? Be your new pet?”

“Yes. No. Wait. Stop.” He knew Wyatt would have heard Reggie’s voice, if not the words. He seized a bolt of fabric from his worktable, unwound it, and threw it over Reggie’s shoulder, then wrapped it around him like a toga. “You’re a client. Shut up and behave or I’ll claw your scrawny ass to ribbons.”



Wild: Jacqui the Cat Mysteries #4 ~ Available Now!

Cat Shifter Jacqui Corleone has finally met his fated mate, but unlike in a romance novel, reality has other plans. For one thing, Wyatt doesn’t know Jacqui is a shifter. For another thing, the dog men are back, and along with their slobber and their bad breath they bring a new level of danger to Jacqui’s life, and to Wyatt’s. When Jacqui meets other cat shifters for the first time, he’s tantalized by a glimpse into their strange new world, but cats aren’t much nicer than dogs, and soon Jacqui must decide if he’s going to run again, or stand and fight against an enemy more powerful than he ever imagined.

Click Here to buy on Amazon.

Weekend Writing Warriors ~ Jacqui’s People

Hello and welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the blog hop where writers from a wide variety of genres share from their work in excerpts of ten sentences or fewer.

I don’t know about you guys, but I could use some light-hearted fiction to take my mind off things. All the things.  That’s one reason I love Jacqui. He always makes me smile and laugh at my own jokes.  I hope he makes you smile too.

In this scene from Wild: Jacqui the Cat Mysteries #4, Jacqui isn’t feeling too light-hearted. He’s discovered an intruder in his apartment, and is about to have his world up-ended.  You can read last week’s snippet here, if you like.


“Reggie. We met last night.” The grin became stiff and the man’s nervousness seeped through his initial bravado. Man-boy. Young. Early twenties. Lanky but muscular. Big, almost buggy brown eyes. A close-cut, amateurish hair cut that might have been self-inflicted with garden shears. Toothy smile.

That’s ten. A lot of short sentences there so I’ll finish out the moment:

Cute as all get out. Rough boy manner. Rough like that mangy stray—


Jacqui couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t think. Couldn’t stop clutching the scissors like a mad man.

“You okay, dude?” the man asked.

Cat man. Cat shifter. One of his people. Jacqui’s people. Here in the flesh. All the flesh.

Nude cat shifter man in my place!





I’m doing the book tour thing, featuring the entire Jacqui the Cat Mysteries line up. You can click here to read up on all the books and enter a giveaway for an Amazon gift card!

Wild: Jacqui the Cat Mysteries #4 ~ Available Now!

Cat Shifter Jacqui Corleone has finally met his fated mate, but unlike in a romance novel, reality has other plans. For one thing, Wyatt doesn’t know Jacqui is a shifter. For another thing, the dog men are back, and along with their slobber and their bad breath they bring a new level of danger to Jacqui’s life, and to Wyatt’s. When Jacqui meets other cat shifters for the first time, he’s tantalized by a glimpse into their strange new world, but cats aren’t much nicer than dogs, and soon Jacqui must decide if he’s going to run again, or stand and fight against an enemy more powerful than he ever imagined.

Click Here to buy on Amazon.



Meet Jacqui the Cat

This Thursday, 8/27, Wild, Book #4 in my Jacqui the Cat Mysteries series will be released.  In order to celebrate, and to of course encourage those of you haven’t met Jacqui yet to take a gander, I’ve made Prowl, Book #1, free on Amazon starting today. The offer will continue through Saturday.


Here’s the blurb:

Jacqui Corleone is a fashion designer, a yoga-instructor and a concerned citizen who selflessly helps the police solve crimes.  Oh, and he occasionally turns into a small wild cat. Probably due to a wizard’s curse or an evil government plot to create super warriors.

Or, he’s a cat cursed to turn into a human and only the bite of a sexy alpha lion will allow him to remain in his superior form of Cat.

Jacqui does not have a split personality, but sometimes his cat personality can get rather loud.

Loud? You’re loud.

Jacqui Corleone is a cat shifter who doesn’t know why or how he turns into a cat. He lives a solitary life in Friday Harbor on San Juan Island. He’s not afraid of intimacy (yes, he is) but sensibly refrains from potentially awkward entanglements.  Unfortunately, the sexy new deputy sheriff just moved in across the street and Jacqui’s vow not to get mixed up with island dudes is sorely challenged.

When the mysterious disappearance of three blue pots draws Jacqui to investigate, he prowls ever deeper into danger–and into the arms of Deputy Wyatt West (he wishes).

Prowl: Jacqui the Cat Mysteries #1, free on Amazon until 8/29

Weekend Writing Warriors ~ So Long Kitty

Hello and welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the blog hop where writers from a wide variety of genres share from their work in excerpts of ten sentences or less.

I’m a little grumpy today. I’ve hit yet another roadblock on the way to publishing Wild.  My copyeditor had the audacity to get terribly ill right before beginning the final edit. The nerve! But it’s okay. She’s okay. I’m okay. Life and Fiction goes on.

So here we are back with Jacqui in his cat form, prowling the neighbor in search of a new cat who’s had the audacity to invade Cat’s territory. But this new cat might be more than your average puddy tat.


Most domestic cats avoided him like he was a Rottweiler with rabies. One look at the larger, wild hybrid beauty that was Cat and—whoosh—a flash of tail over the nearest fence and so long kitty. Which was too bad. Jacqui liked cats and wouldn’t mind if one or two wanted to live with him, but it wasn’t meant to be. He was a loner. In both shapes.

At the next corner, he turned right and headed up the street that ran between his place and Wyatt’s, to see what the new cat was up to.

He found it easily, because it stood in the middle of the road staring, oddly enough, at Jacqui’s second floor apartment. It was a black and white tuxedo cat—black and gray really—mangy with matted hair and one chewed-up ear. A stray.



Wild: Jacqui the Cat Mysteries #4 coming soon! Blurb-in-progress-

Jacqui Corleone has finally met his fated mate (Newsflash: it’s Wyatt), but unlike a romance novel, reality has other plans. The dog men are back, and along with their slobber and bad manners they bring a new level of danger to Jacqui’s life, and to Wyatt’s.  Jacqui meets other cat shifters for the first time and is tantalized by a glimpse into their strange new world.  Only cats aren’t much nicer than dogs, and soon Jacqui must choose if he’s going to run again, or stand and fight against an enemy more powerful than he ever imagined. And that’s saying a lot.

Weekend Writing Warriors ~ Go Wild

Hello and Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the blog hop where writers from a wide variety of genres share from their work in ten sentences or less.

To those of you in the US, Happy Independence Day! To those not in the US, Happy Weekend! Hope it’s not too hot or noisy or, you know, end-of-the-world-ish wherever you are.

I’m continuing to share from my upcoming release, Wild, Jacqui the Cat Mysteries #4.  The process drags on, but I am oh-so-close, and will soon be sharing the awesome cover with you.  For now, we join Jacqui as he does his thing, which is turning into a cat.


Jacqui took a deep breath and let it out to a count of ten heart beats, centering himself in his body. He didn’t have time or room for his normal meditative, yoga shifting ritual, so he simply shook out his arms and commanded his muscles to relax. Relax and let go.

Let go of his shape, his humanity, his over-sized brain full of man concerns and man anxieties. Let Cat take over. Shrink, compact, go wild.

He and Cat were more than ready. With a dizzying shimmer he shed unnecessary bulk and height. For one heart-stopping moment he had no shape and then, as if he’d flung himself off a cliff, he plummeted. His perception altered, colors faded but details sharpened, and everything grew in size around him.



Wild: Jacqui the Cat Mysteries #4 coming soon! Blurb-in-progress-

Jacqui Corleone has finally met his fated mate (Newsflash: it’s Wyatt), but unlike a romance novel, reality has other plans. The dog men are back, and along with their slobber and bad manners they bring a new level of danger to Jacqui’s life, and to Wyatt’s.  Jacqui meets other cat shifters for the first time and is tantalized by a glimpse into their strange new world.  Only cats aren’t much nicer than dogs, and soon Jacqui must choose if he’s going to run again, or stand and fight against an enemy more powerful than he ever imagined. And that’s saying a lot.


Weekend Writing Warriors ~ Guess What? I’m a Cat

Hello and welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the blog hop where writers from a wide variety of genres share from their work in excerpts of ten sentences or less. I’m sharing from my upcoming release, Wild, Jacqui the Cat Mysteries #4. In case you didn’t guess from the title, Jacqui is a cat shifter. He’s in a relationship with a regular human, which is a new and dangerous thing for Jacqui. He’s trying to figure out how to keep both his love life and his secret in tact. Good luck, Jacqui.


Jacqui picked up the trail of his clothing leading to the stairs—Wyatt had undressed him with particular enthusiasm that night—and carried the bundle to the utility room. He stowed the clothes in a cupboard and slid the window open a crack.

No problem, just a quick tour of the neighborhood and back in time for some hot man sex before Wyatt got up to go to work. This could work. They could work. No need to break Wyatt’s brain with the whole “Guess what, I’m a cat” thing.

He quietly closed the door and listened for sounds of a hunky man moving around upstairs. He heard nothing—nothing except the thud of his heart.

Admit it, you enjoy the thrill.

Maybe a little.



Wild: Jacqui the Cat Mysteries #4 coming soon! Blurb-in-progress-

Jacqui Corleone has finally met his fated mate (Newsflash: it’s Wyatt), but unlike a romance novel, reality has other plans. The dog men are back, and along with their slobber and bad manners they bring a new level of danger to Jacqui’s life, and to Wyatt’s.  Jacqui meets other cat shifters for the first time and is tantalized by a glimpse into their strange new world.  Only cats aren’t much nicer than dogs, and soon Jacqui must choose if he’s going to run again, or stand and fight against an enemy more powerful than he ever imagined. And that’s saying a lot.