Weekend Writing Warriors ~ A True Confession

Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors, the blog hop where writers from a wide variety of genres share from their work in excerpts of ten sentences or fewer.  It’s been raining a lot here lately. You’d think after three months of enforced solicitude, I’d be ready for summer, but there’s something about a seriously raining day that really nourishes my creative side and allows me to sit and write all day without a twinge of guilt. I’ve been getting so much done. Wild is done, after way too long, and I’m just waiting for the final edits before I can publish.

I’m continuing to share from Wild today. This is from the opening scene, and Jacqui is trying to figure out how to live an ordinary life with his non-shifter boyfriend, Wyatt.  Of course, Jacqui and ordinary don’t mix, so his plans are surely doomed to failure.  (Note: Satan is what Wyatt calls Jacqui in his cat form)


Shifting on Wyatt’s patio was stupid to contemplate, but, if he was very careful, there was probably nothing to worry about. Wyatt would inevitably figure out Satan had returned—that was a given—and if Jacqui had to fall back on his nude sleeping walking excuse, well, Wyatt already knew he was weird and loved him anyway.

Jacqui’s heart cramped and sweat beaded his skin in spite of the chill in the air. Wyatt loved him. Had said so out loud in front of Cat. A true confession. Jacqui wasn’t sure what to make of this, other than it made him purr and flick his inner tail at the same time.

“A quickie,” he said, and returned to the cozy confines of the apartment. He had to be smart about this stupid thing he was about to do. He really didn’t want to shift out on the patio and Wyatt would be pissed if he got up and found the door standing open, so Jacqui cruised around for an alternative exit.



Wild: Jacqui the Cat Mysteries #4 coming soon! Blurb-in-progress-

Jacqui Corleone has finally met his fated mate (Newsflash: it’s Wyatt), but unlike a romance novel, reality has other plans. The dog men are back, and along with their slobber and bad manners they bring a new level of danger to Jacqui’s life, and to Wyatt’s.  Jacqui meets other cat shifters for the first time and is tantalized by a glimpse into their strange new world.  Only cats aren’t much nicer than dogs, and soon Jacqui must choose if he’s going to run again, or stand and fight against an enemy more powerful than he ever imagined. And that’s saying a lot.

8 thoughts on “Weekend Writing Warriors ~ A True Confession

  1. I worry about whether everything will go smoothly. I have a feeling they won’t. But who will find out?


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